close up of an eye with mascara

Can You Put Mascara On Lash Lift?

You can give your natural lashes a semi-permanent curl with a lash lift, or cosmetic surgery. It’s a well-liked substitute for eyelash extensions because it requires less upkeep and doesn’t harm your natural lashes as much. However, a frequent query regarding lash lifts is whether or not mascara can be worn on top of them. We will go into depth about the response to this inquiry in this blog.

woman laying on a bed as two hands with black gloves are doing lash lift procedure on her

What is a Lash Lift?

Let’s quickly review what an eyelash lift is before getting into the discussion of whether you can use mascara on top of one. An eyelash lift is a cosmetic surgery that involves curling your natural lashes using a chemical solution. The operation usually lasts an hour, and the effects can last for six to eight weeks.

A technician will administer a chemical solution to your lashes during a lift operation, which causes the connections in the hair to dissolve and allow for the reshaping of the hair. They will then apply a setting solution to lock your lashes in place after curling them with a tiny silicone rod. The entire procedure can be completed in a salon or spa and is painless.


Read more about the eyelash lift at the Cleveland Clinic.

Can You Put Mascara on a Lash Lift?

The fundamental topic at hand is whether mascara can be applied to eyelashes. Yes, you can top a lash lift with mascara, to give you the quick answer. If you wish to accomplish this, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Before applying mascara, you must first wait at least 24 hours after obtaining a lift. This will prevent any potential harm and give the lashes ample time to set.
  • Second, refrain from applying waterproof mascara. The curl of your eyelashes may be undone by waterproof mascara, which can be challenging to remove and cause your lashes to clump together. Choose a basic mascara that is easy to remove instead.
  • Last but not least, use caution while putting mascara on top of an eyelash lift. Apply the mascara evenly by taking your time and without applying too much pressure. By doing this, you can protect your lashes from potential harm and make sure they look their best.
a woman using eyelash curler for lash lift
Benefits of Applying Mascara to a Lash Lift:

Applying mascara over an eyelash lift has several advantages. One benefit of using mascara is that it can make your lashes look bigger and more voluminous by improving their curl. Furthermore, mascara can help define your lashes and enhance their contrast.

  • Enhance the Curl: Your lashes’ natural curl can be improved with mascara, giving the appearance of greater volume and fullness. If your lashes are straight or looking downward and don’t naturally curl upward, this is extremely helpful. You may intensify the curl and provide a more dramatic look by using mascara on top of the lift.
  • Define Your Lashes: Additionally, mascara can help define your lashes and increase their prominence. You may add depth and character to your lashes after using mascara, giving you a more put-together appearance. This is especially helpful if you have thin, light-colored lashes that could use a bit more definition.
  • Amp up Your Look: If you enjoy wearing makeup, using mascara on top of eyelash lifts might give you a more professional appearance. You can use it to enhance your lashes for a particular occasion or to give them a more natural look for everyday use. You can create a range of styles that match your style and mood by combining your eyelashes and mascara.
  • No Need for Eyelash Extensions: Applying mascara on top of a lash can be a terrific alternative if you enjoy the appearance of long, voluminous lashes but don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of keeping eyelash extensions. You may achieve the same result without the upkeep or risk of harming your natural lashes that come with eyelash extensions.
  • Cost-Effective: Cost-effectiveness is another advantage of using mascara over eyelash lifts. Although lifts can cost more than regular mascara, they last longer and need less upkeep. You may save money and get the best of both worlds by combining an eyelash lift and mascara.
close up of a womans eyelash with mascara after a lash lift

In the end...

It is possible to apply mascara over an eyelash lift, but you must be careful to prevent any potential harm. Before using mascara, wait at least 24 hours, choose a typical mascara that is simple to take off, and apply it gently. These pointers can help you get thicker, more voluminous lashes and improve the appearance of your eyelash lift.



Check out our latest blog about if you can wear mascara during an MRI.

Also, check out our blog on how to apply eyeliner with eyelash extensions.

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