woman wearing mascara during an MRI

Can I Wear Mascara During An MRI

You may be unsure if you may wear makeup, especially mascara if you have an upcoming MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. MRI machines provide precise images of the inside of your body using strong magnets and radio waves, making them an effective diagnostic tool for a variety of medical disorders. But when getting ready for an MRI, it’s crucial to take several precautions, including what you wear, because it employs strong magnetic fields.

shot of a nurse in blue scrub from the opposite side of an MRI machine

Can I Wear Mascara During an MRI?

Unfortunately, an MRI scan prohibits the use of mascara. The majority of mascaras have metallic pigments that can be drawn to the MRI machine’s strong magnets. These pigments may introduce artifacts into the MRI pictures, making it more challenging for the radiologist to correctly interpret the findings.

Additionally, mascara may contain small fibers or particles that might be harmful if they entered your eyes during the scan. If you can’t blink or rub your eyes during the scan, these particles could cause discomfort, irritability, or even serious injury if they get in your eyes.

Read more on MRI scan Newcastle.

What Should I Do Instead?

A non-invasive diagnostic procedure called an MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) combines powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to produce in-depth pictures of the inside of your body. You lie down on a table that glides inside a tube-shaped machine for the scan. To produce finely detailed images of the tissues and organs in your body, the gadget uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field.

It is advised to stay away from wearing any cosmetics or skincare items with metallic pigments if you have an MRI appointment, such as lip gloss, mascara, eyeliners, or eyeshadow. Additionally, it’s crucial to take off any jewelry, hair accessories, or piercings that might contain metal.

However, due to the intense magnetic field used by the MRI equipment, it’s crucial to take some safety measures before the scan, including what you wear.

a white MRI machine

Is it okay to wear makeup, especially mascara, during an MRI?

  • Is a frequently asked query. Mascara is a cosmetic item that is used to make eyelashes look better. The majority of mascaras contain metallic pigments that can be drawn to the MRI machine’s strong magnets, such as iron oxide or aluminum powder. These pigments may introduce artifacts into the MRI pictures, making it more challenging for the radiologist to correctly interpret the findings.
  • Mascara might have minuscule fibers or other particles that could end up in your eyes during the scan. If you can’t blink or rub your eyes during the scan, these particles could cause discomfort, irritability, or even serious injury if they get in your eyes.
  • Therefore, it is advised against using any cosmetics or skincare items, such as lip gloss, mascara, eyeliners, or eyeshadow, that include metallic pigments. Additionally, it’s critical to take off any jewelry, hair accessories, or piercings that might contain metal.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes instead that don’t have any metal zippers, buttons, or snaps. A hospital gown can be provided for you to wear throughout the scan. You might ask for a blanket or additional clothing to remain warm if you’re cold.
  • Do not be afraid to speak with your doctor or the MRI technician in advance if you have any worries or inquiries about how to prepare for an MRI scan. Depending on your individual requirements and medical condition, they can provide you with detailed instructions.

To read more, check out the website of the national institute of Health.

a woman going user an MRI machine, as a nurse in green scrub stands besides her

In conclusion...

It is not advised to wear mascara during an MRI. Metallic pigments in mascara might cause artifacts on the radiographs, making it more difficult for the radiologist to diagnose your problem correctly. Wearing metal-free, comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is preferable to using skincare or makeup that contains metal. Feel free to speak with your doctor or the MRI technician in advance if you have any worries or inquiries about how to prepare for an MRI scan.



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